Jeff Heggie: The Growth Mindset

Exeleon Magazine
2 min readOct 7, 2022
Jeff Heggie

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What according to you makes one a transformational leader? How do you integrate the same thought into your leadership?

We live in a fast-paced world where things are changing rapidly. In the past, many businesses developed a culture where employees resisted change. Change was uncomfortable, and they didn’t want it. I believe over the years we have seen more and more transformational leaders rise to the top of organizations as they have to be willing to change and adapt with the world around them.

A transformational leader helps to guide a team and organization forward with growth and advancement. It’s a leader that isn’t afraid of change and stepping out of their comfort zone. This means that they are willing to accept the possibility of failure to achieve their bigger vision.

Implementing this type of leadership requires great communication within the entire organization. The team has to understand the direction they are going, what the plan looks like, and why they are doing it.

Talk to us about your growing up years. What is your earliest memory as a leader that you can remember?

I grew up in Southern Alberta and had the opportunity to be involved in many different sports. Sports were a great place for me to experience leadership at a young age and learn a lot from my coaches. There are many things I learned as a young athlete that are a part of my life today.

What prompted your interest and subsequently your foray into the business coaching space?

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